Papers, 1809,1832.


Papers, 1809,1832.

Papers, 1809 and 1823. The Papers include a deed for a 6,000 square foot lot of property for McBride in Detroit (Mich.) signed by Governor William Hull, John Griffin, James Witherall, Joseph Watson, Enoch Page, and James McCoskey. The deed was recorded in Book 3, pp. 191-192, on Dec. 8, 1825 by P. Lecuyn (sp?), city registrar. The deed was repaired with archival document tape. Also included is a school award certificate for "emulous exertion to study" by McBride, dated March 29, 1823, signed by O. Smith, Prec't, presumably a teacher. The certificate is illustrated with a seated woman in Regency style dress with an open book on her lap looking at a boy who is leaning against her. It is quite possible that these papers relate to a mother and daughter.

1 folder : ill.


SNAC Resource ID: 7492160

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